
Review of the Xonix 256MB MP3 Watch

The Xonix MP3 watch means never being caughtwithout something to listen to again.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow do you transfer files on to the Xonix MP3 watch? Simply connect the watch to your PC or Mac via the integrated USB cable,and drag and drop your MP3 files onto the watch. No additional software is required. Will music in subdirectories get played, or do I need to put all my MP3s inthe root directory of the watch?Music in subdirectories will be found and played. I created a top-level directoryfor the artist (Coldplay), then a subdirectory for the album (A Rush Of Blood tothe Head), and put the actual MP3s in the album directory.Due to the limitations of the inte***ce,I actually think 256MB is about as much room as you would want with something likethis. Maybe 512MB, but once you hit 1GB, 5GB, etc., the capacity of the watch willhave grown beyond the inte***ce's ability to manage it. (Here's a hintfor Xonix: future versions should have the ability to scroll through albums inaddition to just tracks -- that alone would be a huge usability boost.)I found the watch to be fairly comfortable to wear, if a little on the long side.The headphone cord has enough length that even with my long arms, I wasn't yankingthe ear-buds out of my head whenever I stretched or reached for a cup of coffee.I even found that the headphone cord could be easily threaded through a shirt sleeveto keep it nice and inconspicuous (just don't try to board a plane that way). TheUSB cable, microphone, headphone jack and MP3 capabilities in general are concealedwell enough that girls probably won't roll their eyes at you at parties if theycatch a glimpse of your Xonix while you're feeding them lines. On the other hand,don't expect it to attract attention from across the room, either. Although theXonix is not bad looking, the only people it's likely to actually lure into a conversationare geeks who recognize it from pictures online. The only real complaint I have(keeping in mind the Xonix MP3 watch is in no way, shape, or form a luxury timepiece),is that it could use one more loop to keep the excess band from flapping. The onethat it does have doesn't move down far enough because its primary job is to secureand conceal the USB connector.The Bottom LineIf you're an MP3 junky, don't sell your iPod or Archos Gmini to buy the Xonix,and if you require a highly reliable, accurate, and durable timepiece, the XonixMP3 watch is probably not for you. However, as a supplement to your existing MP3solution, or even as a complete solution for those with modest MP3 ambitions, theXonix MP3 watch can save you the burden of lugging around an additional device.Waiting in line at the Hair Cuttery? Why not kill some time by listening to a fewof your favorite tracks? Sitting in your doctor's waiting room surrounded by Carand Driver magazines you've already read? Drown out the easy listening compilationwith your own secret stash of sounds.